
Thursday, 27 September 2012

End of Term Three

Dear Parents and Students of the most amazing class Room 31!

Wow I cannot believe it is already the end of term three and we are coming into the last term of 2012! I can honestly say in my many years teaching I have not had a more exciting, enjoyable year and I know it's just going to get even better.
The children have learnt so much and it is great to see every child's thirst for knowledge. If I can instil one thing in them before the end of the year it is to be aware of their potential and have high expectations of themselves. Hopefully through this, they become life long learners and continue to achieve fantastic results in all they set there mind to.
I would like to thank all the parents for their ongoing support, your kind words and gestures have helped me on some pretty sleepless nights because of my own children. :)
Next term we have parent/teacher interviews, Grandparents Afternoon, Art and About Day, Athletics and Year 3 Production so I know Term 4 will fly by and we will be saying goodbye on the 20th December before we know it!
Most of all have a fabulous holiday and enjoy time with your family.
Kids, read lots and keep up with your basic facts!!!

All the best

Mr B:)

Monday, 17 September 2012

Mr Barrett's School Report- By Caleb

Mr. Barrett is the best teacher in the whole world and very, very good at math.
 Mr. Barrett is really funny. Mr. Barrett can teach Room 31 year 4, 5 and 6 math because year 3 math is like three plus two so that is why Mr. Barrett can teach Room 31 anything. 
Mr. Barrett also takes the rugby team. I thought Mr. Barrett played rugby but he doesn’t play rugby. Mr. Barrett is also good at modeling and is really good at fitness. Room 31 is really brilliant at spelling thanks to Mr. Barrett. Mr. Barrett has the best reading games ever.
I wish Mr. Barrett wouldn’t wear black shirts on sunny days.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Room 31 Contestants Compete in Speech Finals

Eshaan, Ella and Ayla compete in the Middle school speech finals and all did an amazing job. I am so proud of the confidence they showed, speaking in front of such a large audience of teachers, students and parents. Eshaan came away with a 2nd place and Ayla and Ella both got a highly commended certificated. Well done team!

Focus on Telling the Time

How to Tell the Time

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Room 31 is visited by Professor Rainbow

This morning we were visited by Professor Rainbow, an amazing scientist who was shwing us what seemed to be magic!
Over the next few Friday's we will be focusing on Science and its many branches. For homework Room 31 must try to find a good definition for Science and list as many branches of science they can find.
Next week the children have been asked to bring a half teaspoon sample of a chemical they have at home. This could be vinegar, water, salt, flour or anything in the kitchen suitable for school.

Monday, 3 September 2012

This Week's Acceleration

This is a great site Team that explores the Universe in all its glory. I personally LOVE looking at this site and seeing what it has to offer.
The Scale of the Universe

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Room 31's Imaginative Writer

In Room 31 we have been learning to describe a scene using our senses to add imagery in the mind of our reader. Isabella wrote an amazing piece after seeing a picture of an old house. Please use read this piece and constructively comment team.

A Description of a Picture

As I stood in front of the old house I used to live in, it reminded me of a spooky story.

As I walked up to the front door. I could hear the crumbling of the stones underneath my feet. I walked up the steps up to the door. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. I looked through one of the cracked windows I was shaking all over. Suddenly I heard a creaking sound. I looked at the front door it had been opened. I went inside I saw a black cat and a broom.

Now I was terrified. I heard a chuckle, it sounded like a witch. I opened a door in the passageway and saw a witch. It looked at me right in the eyes. I wanted to scream and run away but I couldn’t. I was frozen. I was as stiff as concrete.

The witch was making a potion. Now I was horrified. I was about to call out for help when I heard an “Oooohhh!”
 It was coming from behind me then I felt something touch me.
I vanished... I was never to be seen again.

By Isabella